On Development of a Machine Learning Based Cloud Security Model for Securing Data from Cyberattacks


  • A.Daniel Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amity University, Madhya Pradesh, India. Author


Intrusion detection systems, cloud computing, machine learning, feature extraction


Malicious hackers, cybercriminals, and terrorists are becoming more dangerous because of the proliferation of decentralised computer systems that interact extensively. There must be a specific security solution in place to protect cloud computing because of its extensive use and scattered and decentralised nature. Filters, which keep track of everything from internet traffic to logs to use statistics, can tell the difference between anticipated and unexpected activity on a network by keeping tabs on anything from settings to logs to log files. There have been a lot of research on the location of network security measures in cloud computing environments, as well as the techniques used to implement them. Studies like this aim to find as many intrusions as possible and to speed up and increase the accuracy of detection while reducing false alarms. There is a lot of computation required, but the results aren't as accurate as they could be. Machine learning techniques, both supervised and unsupervised, can be used to detect and prevent attacks in cloud computing environments. For cloud computing, attack detection, network security accuracy, reliability and accessibility are significantly improved by using the recommended technique, which considerably reduces false alarms.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

A.Daniel. 2024. “On Development of a Machine Learning Based Cloud Security Model for Securing Data from Cyberattacks”. International Journal of Scientific and Research in Engineering(IJSRE) 1 (2): 39-48. http://ijsre.org/index.php/home/article/view/8.

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