A Novel of High Secure Protocol Architecture for Healthcare Wireless Body Area Network


  • K. Uma School of Information Technology and Engineering, VIT University, TamilNadu, India. Author
  • Thirumurugan Shanmugam Department of Information Technology, College of Applied Sciences Suhar, Oman. Author


Medical Wireless Body Area Network (MWBAN), Healthcare, Security, Hospital, Encryption, Data Transmission


The distributed wireless sensor network technologies have become one of the most important research areas in health care due to the rapid maturity of improving quality of life. The Wireless Medical Sensing Network (MWSN) enables long-term monitoring of vital health parameters, allowing doctors to make a more accurate diagnosis and better treatment. MWSNs provide flexibility and cost savings for patients and the healthcare industry. Medical patient sensors are generating more and more real-time data. The transmission of these data over wireless networks in the hospital has become a serious problem as one person's health information is highly sensitive, confidential and confidential. In this paper, we provide security models that protect the transmission of medical data to hospitals using MWSN. We offer encrypted encryption to transmit secure, low-lifetime information through sensor networks.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

K. Uma, and Thirumurugan Shanmugam. 2024. “A Novel of High Secure Protocol Architecture for Healthcare Wireless Body Area Network”. International Journal of Scientific and Research in Engineering(IJSRE) 1 (2): 20-28. http://ijsre.org/index.php/home/article/view/6.

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