An Authentication Data Security in Cloud Medical Server (CMS) Using Homomorphic Encryption Process Based Naccache-Stern Cryptogram
Cloud computing, unauthorized access, homomorphic encryption, Naccache–Stern cryptosystem based homomorphic encryption processAbstract
Today, cloud computing is crucial for data storage and transport. This method involves sensitive and confidential data that requires authentication to prevent unwanted access. Traditional cryptography approaches encrypt and decrypt stored data, but they fail to maintain authorization, trust, and security in geographically distributed environments. This work presents an effective homomorphic encryption method to secure data with less decryption. Initial analysis of cloud-stored data using Naccache–Stern cryptosystem-based homomorphic encryption. The system produces the key to encrypt shared information that intermediate users cannot access. Encryption lets users access data and build confidence with cloud storage providers. This powerful homomorphic encryption technology secures cloud data access and storage. System efficiency is assessed using experimental data and conversations.
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